Cara MemPublish online dan offline / CD room aplikasi
1.klik my project , apabila sudah kita mulai mengatur propertis
2. pilih Signing
, klik Button “ Create Test Certificate “
Password sesuka Anda . ( yang mudah di ingat)
4. pilih debug ,
configuration = active (debug) , Platform = Active X86 , checklist button Start
Ke bawah lihat enable debugger . checklist
enable the visual studio hosting process
5. pilih Menu
Compile . build output path: = bin/debug
, option explicit = on , option compare = binary , option strict = off , option
infer = on
Checklist , generate
XML documentation file
Klik tombol
advance compile Options ..
Optimization jgn ada yg di ceklist .
generate debug info : full
Optimization jgn ada yg di ceklist .
generate debug info : full
Checklist define
Debug Constat
Cheklist Define
Trace Constat
serialzation = Auto
target CPU = X86
target CPU = X86
Target Framework = .Net Framwork 4
6. Ke Menu
Publish , prerequisites klik pilih ceklist yang tengah . (download prerequisite from the same location
as My aplication )
7. masih di menu
publish , klik publish wizard .
7,1 .bagi yang aplikasi offline langsung saja publish .
8.untuk publish website , pastikan IIS
anda telah terpasang . ( klo belum klik control panel , pilih hardware and
sound , pilih add device , ceklist tuh IIS nya )
9. bagi yang
sudah terpasang IIS pastikan Visual Studio Administrator . ( caranya klik start
pilih visual studio , klik kanan plih menu run as administrator , klo
udah pilih specify the location to publish this aplication ( di Publish wizard
) = http://localhost/nameyouraplication/
Klik next ceklist
yes, click next ready to publish . =)
agak rumit tapi mudah koq klo udah biasa . ;)
agak rumit tapi mudah koq klo udah biasa . ;)
Cara MemPublish
1.klik my project , apabila sudah kita mulai mengatur propertis
2. pilih Signing
, klik Button “ Create Test Certificate “
Password sesuka Anda . ( yang mudah di ingat)
4. pilih debug ,
configuration = active (debug) , Platform = Active X86 , checklist button Start
Ke bawah lihat enable debugger . checklist
enable the visual studio hosting process
5. pilih Menu
Compile . build output path: = bin/debug
, option explicit = on , option compare = binary , option strict = off , option
infer = on
Checklist , generate
XML documentation file
Klik tombol
advance compile Options ..
Optimization jgn ada yg di ceklist .
generate debug info : full
Optimization jgn ada yg di ceklist .
generate debug info : full
Checklist define
Debug Constat
Cheklist Define
Trace Constat
serialzation = Auto
target CPU = X86
target CPU = X86
Target Framework = .Net Framwork 4
6. Ke Menu
Publish , prerequisites klik pilih ceklist yang tengah . (download prerequisite from the same location
as My aplication )
7. masih di menu
publish , klik publish wizard
8. pastikan IIS
anda telah terpasang . ( klo belum klik control panel , pilih hardware and
sound , pilih add device , ceklist tuh IIS nya )
9. bagi yang
sudah terpasang IIS pastikan Visual Studio Administrator . ( caranya klik start
pilih visual studio , klik kanan plih menu run as administrator , klo
udah pilih specify the location to publish this aplication ( di Publish wizard
) = http://localhost/nameyouraplication/
Klik next ceklist
yes, click next ready to publish . =)
agak rumit tapi mudah koq klo udah biasa . ;)
agak rumit tapi mudah koq klo udah biasa . ;)